There is a special romanticised, soft focus vision that the great cities of the world elicit from those who dream of them from afar. A perfectly elegant pastiche of half glimpsed notions drawn from all that drifts through our consciousness, these visions rarely, and to some sadness, find actualisation.
Whether it's a seething crowd of tourists, an unpleasant experience with a local or pubic hair filled hostel sink, or the fact that dirt, noise, and human sweat are elements not usually incorporated in the rosy tinted dreams of sweeping cityscapes, things never seem quite as you had imagined. Sometimes, you can almost taste the perfect vision in a sweet moment of rapture, but too often it is endlessly elusive, lingering just and forever out of reach.
New York, however, has thus far managed to live up to my vision of it.
This is not a case of the city being astonishingly perfect, but rather I think because my vision of New York glorified the sleaze, the filth, the absent silence, the hustlers, the tourists, the glitz, the poverty, the stink; the all things to all men. Such is it that my first week in New York City has been quite the experience.
Home for this period, and indeed until we leave, has been a charming little sweat box of an apartment. With temperatures reaching around 30 degrees celsius and amplified by the sheer weight of flesh, heat trapping walls of concrete and the relentless traffic, our pad with its two tiny windows and zero air conditioning has been more Turkish bath than pleasant evening respite.
It is also - and quite appropriately, too - about the size of a microwave. With one bedroom and a futon taking up a majority of the floor space, Otto has been left sleeping opposite the tiny kitchenette such that my early morning rummagings are met without fail by his stale gruntings. More interestingly, whilst nosing through the kitchen cupboards we have come across quite the cache of paraphernalia as well as that which we assume, with wrinkled brow, to be a baggy of crack.
Our apartment is located in Brooklyn across the Williamsburg bridge then south west for a bit, past the safe walls of hipsterdom. We had thought it would be good fun to find our kicks in the warm bosom of gentrifying skinny jeans rolled up at the ankle, but sadly the area of Brooklyn full of nice little boutiques, organic supermarkets, festooned with hipsters and with only a few rough edges is a bit further in than our 'hood.
Indeed, we had a good opportunity to soak in what could have been when we moseyed across the Brooklyn bridge to have a look at the south side of Brooklyn. Looking very much like a particularly pretentious corner of Sydney's inner-inner-West, it stood in stark compare to our sweet digs where we have the comforting rattle of the overland metro line two doors down and what appears to be a drug lab across the street.
On the plus side, it also has a ghetto gym about 10 minutes walk away which Kip and I joined with my clinging to the hope of clawing back some of my pre-season fitness before my storied return to the AFL field. Visiting there for the first time on Memorial Day - a purely coincidental timing - we found ourselves to be the only caucasians and the two scrawniest individuals at a gym packed with juiced up minorities, some of whom seemed to eye us with more than just casual indifference. I am also fairly sure that a Mexican kingpin was working out there the other day, his bling, gang tattoos and pant leg rolled half way up making me stare all the harder.
In sum, I cannot tell a lie. When we first arrived and I saw our tiny ovenpartment in a block in the 'hood that smelled like toilet disinfectant and with my mind reeling with the premonitions bred of too many hours of TV, I gazed around with much dubiety. That said, after only a week I have stopped noticing it and even come to embrace and enjoy my humble surroundings.
More importantly, NYC is home to many exciting things to do, and with the freedom of having visited the city before and done all the necessary but often less than engaging tourist dribble, we have free reign to simply indulge ourselves in whatsoever takes our fancy. Such it is that cans and nosebag have been the order of the day.
Given that it is NYC, only the best would do. Thus it is that in the past week I have eaten the best hotdogs in NYC (and thus assumedly, the world) from Gray's Papaya, the planet's best pizza at Lombardi's (this is actually what they claim - and Zagat backs it up), the best dumplings in NYC (for $3 no less) from the appropriately named Tasty Dumpling, the best ramen in NYC courtesy of David Chang of Momofuku renown, as well as a wonderfully overpriced pastrami sandwich at Katz's - again, the best in NYC.
On a less intestinal note, while wandering around uptown after visiting the Nike store in search of some fresh kicks for Otto, we found the entirety of Sixth Avenue had been closed for a swarming street market. Sadly, however, much of the market seemed to be selling the same low quality bootleg sunglasses and dodgy looking gyros - the US kebab - but Otto managed to find a bit of gold in the rough, purchasing a ridiculously fresh cap which he insists on wearing at an angle just a bit too jaunty, thus officially making him the whitest kid ever.
The true standout of the week was seeing This Will Destroy You at the Bowery, a delightful venue right on the metro line from our apartment. A set of transcendently crushing post-rock left us and another of Otto's friend, Marlee, appropriately destroyed. Washed down with dive bar PBR, greasy New York pizza and a visit to a Chinese massage parlour turned night club called Happy Endings all capped off by Kip's wee-morning cocktail makings truly left me digging the world.
NYC has also been home to our first bar fight, caught whilst watching the NBA playoffs. High rolling on PBR we had ensconced ourselves in a charming dive booth only to have our neighbour pick a fight with the bartendress, claim to be a boxer, and get his scuffle on with the bouncer. After he was subdued, sent into exile and calm returned, there was the quintessential moment where the awkward post-fisticuffs silence gave way to the restarted jukebox and with this, normality and the energy of the bar returned. I really couldn't have asked for more.
The other night, however, I had perhaps my most New York moment. With Otto down at the Jersey Shore getting his GTL on with some friends, Kip and I, having turned down the offer due to the early start required - something not preferable after the previous evening's carousing - had spent the day hunting more food and supping joe from the fanciest cafes in Greenwich Village before trying to channel the beat generation by slurping cocktails and watching le cinema as we waited for word from Otto.
Digging the night we headed out looking for kicks and met up with Otto and his friend who was with a Scottish hotel heiress, proudly claiming to have spent $165,000 on shoes in Manhattan, currently wearing a $3000 pair. With these gentlefolk about town leading the way, we found ourselves in a very fancy club where, as I milled around in my shabby volleys, she talked to the manager and in short order had secured some prized table territory, its previous occupants being politely ushered away.
New York City right there.
Basking in the surreal quality of the experience and fortified with yet more cocktails, Otto got his dance on and I giggled incontinently. The next morning greeted me fully clothed, covered in pepper, and with a camera full of black and white photos of me and the bouncer and the bartender. A good night, then.
I get the feeling NYC will keep them coming.
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